Pumpkin Pie and Tomorrow’s Promise

“Pumpkin Pie and Hope for Tomorrow!”


Pumpkin Pie and Tomorrow’s Promise!

By BR Chitwood

Most of us are always in the moment of a calendar’s celebration…

This year, we citizens of the world who still believe in tradition and well-wishing will put on that in the moment face over a family Thanksgiving dinner, and an invisible cloud of uncertainty above our place settings. Our smiles and the anecdotes displayed will have an invisible cautionary reality of new hope, promise, and doubts which is exactly as it should be.

 We sit at our Thanksgiving family tables and give thanks to our Deity, if that is our wont, for seeing us through another year of death and living, of Medical and government officials seeking control over a menacing virus that is killing millions, of another presidential election fraught with fraud, duplicate ballots, chicanery far and beyond any we have seen in our lifetimes, political parties going in different directions, with some of its members sheltered by the riches of the ‘Swamp Dwellers’.

It is not unlikely that the conversation will mildly and slowly evolve to these dreadful subjects, and most families will handle the pros and cons of these monologues and dialogues with tacit awareness that all at the table will not have agreement on the issues.

After the turkey and pumpkin pie, family members, will play their games of Trivia, Charades, and/or, weather permitting, horseshoes, pitch and catch in the backyard…

Soon, the grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters go home with family love in their hearts but a ‘never before’ felt deep uncertainty as to how their country will turn out once the virus has been controlled through vaccines and the political wars ahead…another Civil War, undocumented immigrants coming in thousands across our borders, a serious and alarming tilt toward Socialism where citizens serve their ‘big tech’, ‘global conglomerate,’ ‘big money’ power brokers?

They will likely be very different Thanksgiving dinners from those of our recent pasts, people defying the political leaders’ mandates regarding attendance numbers, perhaps more arguments than in the past, more pent-up aggression and anxiety.

Then, who knows?

We could be turning corners dictated by a history already predicted and about to be recorded, a history that is actually a new edition of We the People and God Bless America.

Who knows?


By BR Chitwood


Manipulation of the Worst Kind

“It is never wrong to be RIGHT!”

Manipulation of the Worst Kind

By BR Chitwood

Anyone remember the movie, Network? About a TV journalist who decried efforts of ‘Big Corp/Big Tech’ in their efforts to control the events, the ebb and flow of our lives?

Remember that journalist in the dark of night sticking   his head out of a window and yelling: “I’m sick and tired of all this manipulation, and I’m not going to take it anymore,” urging people to rebel against this warped conglomerate of big business, big tech, and crooked politicians who were dividing and changing the face of our country?

Sound familiar?

What am I suggesting?

How dare I suggest such an evil scenario?

Really, are these the groups deciding for us, the American citizenry, the currents of our lives

Okay, I have only the credentials of a United States citizen, a Veteran, aging, not too seriously relevant in anyone’smind these days, perhaps, never.

But a certain nerve recently went berserk pre and post in our 2020 Presidential Election. Usually, when my nerves go berserk, I go to my laptop and allow my fingers to do their dazzling merry dance among the keys…making sense, or, maybe, nonsense.

So, if you are of a mind to listen, to read my words, here is my short thesis…

The 2020 election year has presented some baffling anomalies, and, yes, Joe Biden is one huge anomaly!

Admittedly, my mind is not the sharpest, but, please, pray tell, how is it that a man who spent not his time on the campaign trail, but, rather, in the basement of his home, who finds it difficult to utter a simple sentence without his wife’s coaching whispers? ‘Come on, Man’, is this some colossal joke being played on the great American Electorate?

How is it that a man with forty-seven years in our US government, including eight years as Vice-President to Barack Obama, a man with no notably featured accomplishments in all those many years – unless we include as a feature ‘The China/Ukraine, et al’, all of the million dollar deals he made for family benefits? The blunders and gaffs by this public servant are too many to catalog…

How is it that this folksy man, Joe Biden, and his Socialist VP running mate, Kamala Harris, with her own history of guile and San Francisco chicanery, are at the entry level of our beloved White House?

How is it that these two people are about to replace one of the best presidents this country has known -with the best Economy in history, the best US GDP Growth Rate at 33.4%, best Job numbers, a soaring Stock Market, best Minority numbers, best foreign relations and Middle East Alliances – nominated three times for ‘Man of the Year’ award…on and on.

Can pronounced hatred of a president who eschews suave political rhetoric, a rare non-politician politician, be so vile as to allow the leaders of our country of over 360 million-plus people to carry out this miscarriage? Are the ‘Swamp People’ so consumed with loathing, wealth, and their agenda that they would have another ‘Civil War’?

There seems to be no doubt that the voting system is broken… With a country so filled with knowledge, how is it we cannot develop a ‘fail-safe’ voting system? A voting system that cannot be manipulated by dead people  voting, late ballots, lack of monitoring?

Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, please find work in another government far away. Your Progressive Programs can not find roots on our sacred ground. Our government is run by the people and for the people…

It is my belief along with so many millions of Americans that this election was frought with fraudulent activities. For this American, there is no question due diligence must be rendered by the ‘Powers That Be’ to determine without doubt the voting verdict of the voting public

We must choose our Constitutional Caretakers carefully, never forgetting that the blood spilled by millions of our freedom-loving youth and patriots is the script for our venerated documents for governing our Republic.

Please do not defile our Democracy!

BR Chitwood – November 10, 2020


Manipulation of the Worst Kind

“It’s never too late to be right!”

Manipulation of the Worst Kind

By BR Chitwood

Anyone remember the movie, Network? About a TV journalist who decried efforts of ‘Big Corp/Big Tech’ in their efforts to control the events, the ebb and flow of our lives?

Remember that journalist in the dark of night sticking   his head out of a window and yelling: “I’m sick and tired of all this manipulation, and I’m not going to take it anymore,” urging people to rebel against this warped conglomerate of big business, big tech, and crooked politicians who were dividing and changing the face of our country?

Sound familiar?

What am I suggesting?

How dare I suggest such an evil scenario?

Really, are these the groups deciding for us, the American citizenry, the currents of our lives

Okay, I have only the credentials of a United States citizen, a Veteran, aging, not too seriously relevant in anyone’smind these days, perhaps, never.

But a certain nerve recently went berserk pre and post in our 2020 Presidential Election. Usually, when my nerves go berserk, I go to my laptop and allow my fingers to do their dazzling merry dance among the keys…making sense, or, maybe, nonsense.

So, if you are of a mind to listen, to read my words, here is my short thesis…

The 2020 election year has presented some baffling anomalies, and, yes, Joe Biden is one huge anomaly!

Admittedly, my mind is not the sharpest, but, please, pray tell, how is it that a man who spent not his time on the campaign trail, but, rather, in the basement of his home, who finds it difficult to utter a simple sentence without his wife’s coaching whispers? ‘Come on, Man’, is this some colossal joke being played on the great American Electorate?

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">How is it that a man with forty-seven years in our US government, including eight years as Vice-President to Barack Obama, a man with no notably featured accomplishments in all those many years – unless we include as a feature <em>‘The China/Ukraine, et al’, all of the million dollar deals he made for family benefits?</em> The blunders and gaffs by this public servant are too many to catalog…How is it that a man with forty-seven years in our US government, including eight years as Vice-President to Barack Obama, a man with no notably featured accomplishments in all those many years – unless we include as a feature ‘The China/Ukraine, et al’, all of the million dollar deals he made for family benefits? The blunders and gaffs by this public servant are too many to catalog…

How is it that these two people are about to replace one of the best presidents this country has known -with the best Economy in history, the best US GDP Growth Rate at 33.4%, best Job numbers, a soaring Stock Market, best Minority numbers, best foreign relations and Middle East Alliances …nominated three times for ‘Man of the Year’ award…on and on.

Can pronounced hatred of a president who eschews suave political rhetoric, a rare non-politician politician, be so vile as to allow the leaders of our country of over 360 million-plus people to carry out this miscarriage? Are the ‘Swamp People’ so consumed with loathing, wealth, and their agenda that they would have another ‘Civil War’?

There seems to be no doubt that the voting system is broken… With a country so filled with knowledge, how is it we cannot develop a ‘fail-safe’ voting system? A voting system that cannot be manipulated by dead people  voting, late ballots, lack of monitoring?

Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, please find work in another government far away. Your Progressive Programs can not find roots on our sacred ground. Our government is run by the people and for the people… We must choose our Constitutional Caretakers carefully, never forgetting that the blood spilled by millions of our freedom-loving youth and patriots is the script for our venerated documents for governing our Republic.

BR Chitwood -November 10, 2020


Urgency of Purpose



Urgency of Purpose

By: BR Chitwood


A ‘lofty word’!

For many inhabitants of a country under a red, white, and blue flag of ‘Democracy’, Patriotism lives within them like the air they breathe, in their prayers at the end of a long day of commerce and labor… They still carry the cherished memory of a dad, son, daughter, uncle, cousin, friend who died in a war to preserve a remarkable system of government by and for the free and liberated people of a nation born of immigrants, spilled blood, and honorable ideals.

It is difficult to find consensus of ideas among people of different origins, and, at times, we hold elections to choose people to run departments of our national, state, and local government.

On November 3, 2020, there will be national voting for President of the United States. This election has been tabbed as one of the most significant elections in our US history… I believe this is true!


The Conservative Right offers us four more years of our current President, Donald J. Trump. Professing not to be part of the Washington DC establishment, not the eloquent and polished orator, not a Politician, but a man of the people who can – and, does – get things done.

The Truth is there in his record…

The country can boast that its economy numbers and accomplishments are the best in our nation’s history.

Employment and Job numbers are at their highest in history.

New ‘Trade Deals’ with Canada, Mexico…

Wall nearing completion on our Southern borders with Mexico – protecting against ‘illegal aliens’ crossing into our country.

Minorities are doing better than at any time in our history.

Military Readiness and Equipment under President Trump are ‘State of the Art’.

Foreign Policy achievements include new treaties in the Middle East… ISIS defeated… The US Embassy now has its home in Jerusalem… The Military is now bringing soldiers home from the foreign ‘local war’ outposts… Pull-Out from ‘The Paris Accord’, ‘The Iran Deal’, ‘The World Health Organization’ because of China’s favorable domination of that group.

Et Al!


Covid-19 (China’s Gift to the World!) was not the fault of our good president, and, despite all the ‘Left’s’ positioning on the issue, Donald J. Trump, has done a super job in all areas trying to control this pandemic. Quickly after the virus reached the US, President Trump stopped all travel from china to our country.

Since then he has done anything and everything sensible in stopping this killer virus. The cure and the vaccine for this awful plague is just weeks away – maybe, days away. It is incredibly naïve and sophomoric by the Left to be blaming the president… In less than a year, likely, we will have defeated this Virus. President Trump has been indefatigable in all of his efforts on behalf of the citizens of our country.


The ‘Liberal Left’ offers us in this election an agenda with a strong ‘Socialistic Leaning’…

Open borders with all freebies, rights and privileges for those illegals coming into our country…

Free healthcare for all…

A ‘Green New Deal’ with candidate Biden estimating its cost at $100Trillion (Not so bad if you say it fast!) …

Taxes that even wipe out ‘Zebra Stripes’…

More Schumer and Pelosi ‘do-nothing’ hatred for President Trump and the ‘Right’…

More constant carping about a ‘Liberal Left’ that no longer exists and a strong input from Socialist-leaning members of their Party…and, did I mention more hatred of President Donald J. Trump? …

And, if elected, coming soon to your ‘suburban living’ a free mix of business and housing…


I should feel more conciliatory in my old age, but this ‘stuck Dem record’ is driving me crazy…


BR Chitwood – October 27, 2020

(A Weeping Old Man! – It shows, huh?)


Freedom, Liberty, and Other Observations

©Freedom, Liberty and Other Observations

-Fact or Fiction-

By BR Chitwood

Only a few of us know and it once seemed there was no earthly reason for anyone to know, not that large numbers of people during these evil days would believe, or, maybe care to believe.

However, having been years in the military, attending Classified and Non-Classified Briefings, all the way up to apersonal clearance’ of Top Secret data I shall ask for your patience while I give you here in these few pages one of those aforementioned Briefings that will serve you better in understanding the world of Large Governments, the reasons behind their operations.

Who am I?

Why am I writing all of this down for the world to read? Back there in those young titillating years of youth, it was all so mysterious, so fulfilling to be part of ‘something’ monumental, so important, so necessary for  our country’s readiness and safety, so incredibly ‘cloak and dagger’ that those of us participating had to sign some scary ‘legal do not do this and that’ documents that, violated, promised fines and long prison terms for infidelity, if not the possibility of death.

 With the details I write about here, all true, certainly scary enough, you can understand my great pride in serving this wonderful country.

Beautiful and Wonderful, but with some of its parts needing replaced, oiled, and repaired!


Why, indeed?

Because it is time for the world to know some of the truths and fictions under which they live.

Who am I to tell you these truths? Just a patriot, and, it is ‘my truth as I see it’!

Part of me is a kid who grew up in poverty-stricken Appalachia, somehow surviving a bitter, harsh, and ugly home environment and the aftermath of The Great Depression.

Another part of me? A man hungry for family, love, some stability, and a few pieces of the American Dream. Some of that part I partially fulfilled, family, few pieces of the Dream: college degree, kids to love and cherish, some small, modest business successes.

Finally, in the Military World, with a myriad of testing, I would be placed bewilderingly into a position that would involve USA National Security, and, after months of FBI ‘life-checks’, I achieved a coveted Top- Secret Clearance and began a second phase of schooling.

Without sharing with the readers details of my varied duties in several duty locations, I was privy to some very interesting covert projects, educational and nefarious programs that whetted my appetite and excitement.

This is the extent of personal background information. Now follows what I consider the meat of this thesis.

This small exposé will only focus on one aspect of a government educational program that in some ways staggered me, the Causes and Effects ramifications entailed therein, and the C&E of street violence.


No one needs from me history lessons, so let me be as succinct as I can without stretching believability too far.

You watch your televisions, and, if you watch the best channel for news, Fox News (now, you really know me, and hate me if you must!), you know what is happening in our own United States of America… Some of our ‘Lib brothers and sisters of Congress’ say it’s all made up.

A trio of policemen in Minneapolis, Minnesota arrests a man, cuffs him, and one of the cops puts him on the ground and keeps pumping his knee into a most vulnerable part of the man’s neck. The other two cops are busy doing other odd duties while the handcuffed man dies from the knee-pumping cop. (While it might not matter to anyone reading this, I’m still angry as hell with those cops. There is simply no valid excuse for their behavior.)

We are all seeing the after effects of these errant cops, but, then, loonies need very little reason to act otherwise – likely because they’re being paid good money by some big benefactors to cause all the beatings, riots, killings, lootings our televisions entertain us with each night, those ‘big money’ people who  want a different USA.

Some of our citizens do not want our old used-up Democracy, Freedom and Liberty, The Rule of Law, Bill of Rights, et al… all beautifully framed by some of the greatest patriots this country has known, men and women whose spilled blood is mixed with the ink on the documents. ‘They want to venture into the Socialist-way, a la Venezuela, Cuba, negating the price paid by millions of America’s youth that never had a chance at their American Dreams… For most Americans there is disbelief that some of our elected ‘public servants’ have opened wide our democracy doors to ‘big money interests’ who see better and faster ways to rip our country apart.

There are times when the world has a surreal feel to it…like, “Where did my country go? Why are we giving way to the anarchists, the looters, the killers, the haters?

It is an election year, and election years bring out the ‘looney left’ haters of President Donald J. Trump. Sure, like many Movers and Shakers, people who can get things done, our President can say too much at times, open mouth and insert foot, but he has also done more for our country than any other president in our history. A businessman, he came at a time when a prior two-term president changed the face of our democracy and bowed and curtsied to every leader in the world. Yes, I’ll take your poll: Barack Obama was the worst president in our history.

For this old hillbilly cast-off, the world is made up of people with different levels of intelligence and common sense. I am not the so-called ‘brightest light in the room’, nor am I the dimmest. There is so much I do not know and wished I knew, and, with the years adding up it will not get a lot better for me.

What I do know is this: the world is made up of ‘Governments’ – most of which are not democracies, but some form of ‘Authoritarian President’ (a la Venezuela-Socialism), Kings Queens, Despots, Ministers, Absolute Ruler (a la N. Korea).

What I do know is that nations of the world have their low IQs, high IQs, Rich, Poor.

What I do know is that nations of the world have their criminals and law-abiding citizens.

Diversity is everywhere. How do the nations of the world stop crime, get rid of poverty, handle all the diversity?

When I was in the military I heard of a ‘Smart Pill’ to make the Low-IQs smarter, pills to control raging sexual desires, pills to control all kinds of crime and diseases.

Perhaps to the extent these ‘pills’ and other scientific and technological advances can prove to establish some major controls, and/or have made a difference in some of our areas where crime emanates and destroys, there is so much we cannot know.

We also know there are those who enjoy their lives as they are – the doctors along with the criminals and evil-doers, so it most likely will become that our categorical areas of crime, evil doers, and/or quality leadership of nations will be on the fringe of our understanding.

At this moment in our American History, we face a crucial election in 90+ days. My hope is that we in America can remember the tens of millions of lives given for the causes of freedom, liberty, and belief systems which are given to us by a Higher Power! The price for what we are and can be is and was Steep.

We will soon beat the Covid-19 Evil, and, hopefully fill our nation with happy dwellers of peace and prosperity…and I am proud to say I shall be voting once again for Donald J. Trump in November.

BR Chitwood – August 1, 2020

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