Author BR Chitwood’s Writing

By BR Chitwood


  1. You sleep while riding a ‘mare’ or ‘dreaming peacefully’. You awake in a ‘bad mood’, snack on quick and easy ‘coffee and toast’ (too much coffee!), and drive to your job – while your kidneys insist on your quick attention…
  2. You sit at your desk, work menial tasks and have your fanciful day dreams and ‘Romantic Thoughts’…
  3. You think of where you and your soulmate will vacation… perhaps a great resort in Aruba or an Ocean Cruise…
  4. Work ends for the day, and you go for cocktails at your favorite pub with your favorite lady…
  5. At home, feeling guilty, you open your laptop and resume writing the manuscript for your new novel…
  6. You take a break, check your E-Mail. There is your new blog message: “5-Star Reads in most genres – 20 books, some based on true crime, Short Stories, Flash Fiction – some books are related to true criminal events: – Also, Romance and Suspense…”
  7. Ah, c’mon! Take a ‘tour’! There are some great books and writing at this website…
  8. If you are a reader, avid or not, you will enjoy the books’ synopses, blog posts, short stories, flash fiction, poetry.  
  9. ‘Thank you’ from the author – and good reading!

BR Chitwood – February 24, 2022

Conundrum Craziness


Conundrum Craziness

BR Chitwood



Not, AOC!

Not, ‘Building Back Better’!

We waken in the morning…

Not, ‘Covid’ and mad Scientist…

We drink coffee, eat, go to work, or, retired from the ‘bee buzzing’, we read. go to our computers to display our ‘genius’ and/or idiocy, write blog posts or books, watch crazy news, read, settle into our favorite habits, find boredom preference in our routines…

After all, we are retired, no longer fighting AM and PM traffic…

We become habitual and wary of our existence…

Some political scenarios make us feel so uncertain about our world and day-to-day lives…

I look out the big windows by my office and see a clear blue sky, an inviting sun, a mountain, a pool, a relaxing seating area, and debate with myself whether or not to finish this post – actually, forgetting the original purpose for the post, other than more railing about our unpredictable political structure, the build-up of Russian troops on the border of Ukraine…

Easy decision…

Actually, the world has not changed all that much since I once cared to debate the political stature of our governments, their leaders, and the political tendencies of neophytes who would make our world so much better…

Hell, I’m poolside, not that anyone will be contacting me about anything I care about…

I look at my lovely wife! “Hey, milady, you going to read, play with your laptop, or you coming poolside with me?


BR Chitwood – February 3, 2022


Anyone interested can check out my 20 books, each book with synopsis and buy site, my 275 blog posts, my many Flash Fiction and Short Stories…

(Other author sites as well.)

Where Do We Go From Here?

All I Can Do is Wonder

oBR Chitwood


Where do we go from here?

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All I can do is wonder…

It seems we’re on slippery slopes in every direction.

There are no genius genes within the confines of my mind to suggest solutions to the bewildering directions our current government is taking, except, maybe – some remarkable Supreme Court event that gets our political sanity back. The brainless big money moguls in partnership with clueless government officials have created a one-way driveway to hell for the sensible Americans who still believe in our ‘written in blood’ Constitution – Freedom, Religious and otherwise, Liberty, Rule of Law, rights every American has the right to practice without Bureaucratic/Government Interference.

Even the NEA – National Education Association – a titan of power wish to create a ‘CRT’ – ‘Critical Race Theory’, that would have our children taught with the center-piece notion that the United States is a Racist Nation – written and codified – defying the historical truth that we are not. Blood was spilled and truth prevailed. Most rational Americans believe schools should teach our history, teach reading, mathematics, geography, and science.

We have a current government that is allowing illegal aliens to cross our southern borders by the tens of thousands, our own good border agents taunted and shot at by Cartel members.

We have a President who will not answer questions and has great difficulty in verbal communication, surely destined to be our worst president in history. His drill in Afghanistan was a debacle with death of our citizens and abandonment of so many more Americans and Afghan partners who worked with our government.

We have a president who gave away our own reliable Independent Energy process to Russia. Prices for gas and food products are rapidly rising.
Our Police departments are depleted. Criminals run rampant in our streets, children killed, old people knocked to the sidewalks, brazen robberies in our stores without consequence. Riots in the streets. Chicago and New York are cities under siege.

We have a vice-president who is rarely seen, who has a dubious history in politics and has little awareness of what is happening around her.

Where does it go from here – this government? We have people serving in our congress who migrated to our country and are now working to turn our democracy into a free depository for people coming to the USA – free health, free college, free hand-outs of all kinds.

Maybe this is our destiny, but this country-boy from Appalachia will never quite comprehend how this poison came to be in our halls of government.

We survived a ‘Civil War’, a ‘Great Depression’, and several wars.

We hope and we pray for better days in our beautiful country.

We desperately need new Leadership…

Just a citizen getting ‘stuff’ off his chest – Again!

BR Chitwood – October 20, 2021

Website/Blog: /@brchitwood

Lady Gray Awaits

Lady Gray Awaits

BR Chitwood


Watching Lady Gray eat her ‘Temptations’, then stretching her body on the carpet in front of us, napping, in a world she loves and knows the adoration of her masters who gaze down upon her, I turn off the morning TV news, a seeming duplication of the day before: our southern borders overrun with hundreds of thousands of the world’s disgruntled masses of whom we know nothing of their mind-sets and/or their dispositions for hatred, subterfuge, kindness, and plans for terror.

As a country seemingly gone mad, our government leaders appear to be without compass, without a clearly laid-out game plan for the problems facing our Democracy, with riots, thievery, and a modern-day Marxism all visible through the day-to-day passing of time. In our government bodies we have those who openly show their anarchial dispositions, screaming dogma and changes that make our buried and living patriots livid and shocked…

What/Who can step in and stop this madness on our streets and in our government? What Constitutional Article can address the Mayhem, Murder, Thuggery in our cities and towns? Who can step in to stop this civil unrest? Many good Americans liked our previous President who gave us ‘Border Protection’ and an ICE program that competently rid America of many of its ‘bad actors’…now, they are coming back.

What about China, Covid, and our Children? Why, ‘Masks’ in schools when the data shows ‘low risk’ for young children?

What the citizens of the USA are witnessing is wholesale madness, some politicians getting rich by listening to fools and lobbyists, enriching their lives while allowing the greatest country in the world to die from their greed.

I am not blind! Nor am I privy to wisdom of the ages, gifted with the intelligence to discern the reasons for moves on the political chess board. However, it grieves me as it must most people to see young children murdered on our streets, store robberies – for real – on our television sets, hundreds of thousands ‘Illegals’ deposited throughout our country after crossing our southern border…what madness is this?

Just words, I know, but here in ‘Sunset’, that is all I have to give. You have your words as well, and maybe we don’t match up too well. That’s okay…it’s the American way.

Our past president, Donald Trump, despite the disdain many had for him, got some things right – companies returning to the country, jobs for our people, a border wall and plan that worked, lower taxes, gifted people for the various government posts, some mid-east accords, great stock market results, better relationships and stability abroad, firmness with Iran, veteran policy reforms…all of this and much more WITHOUT A SALARY!

Awesome August to everyone!


BR Chitwood – August 2, 2021


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Manipulation of the Worst Kind

“It’s never too late to be right!”

Manipulation of the Worst Kind

By BR Chitwood

Anyone remember the movie, Network? About a TV journalist who decried efforts of ‘Big Corp/Big Tech’ in their efforts to control the events, the ebb and flow of our lives?

Remember that journalist in the dark of night sticking   his head out of a window and yelling: “I’m sick and tired of all this manipulation, and I’m not going to take it anymore,” urging people to rebel against this warped conglomerate of big business, big tech, and crooked politicians who were dividing and changing the face of our country?

Sound familiar?

What am I suggesting?

How dare I suggest such an evil scenario?

Really, are these the groups deciding for us, the American citizenry, the currents of our lives

Okay, I have only the credentials of a United States citizen, a Veteran, aging, not too seriously relevant in anyone’smind these days, perhaps, never.

But a certain nerve recently went berserk pre and post in our 2020 Presidential Election. Usually, when my nerves go berserk, I go to my laptop and allow my fingers to do their dazzling merry dance among the keys…making sense, or, maybe, nonsense.

So, if you are of a mind to listen, to read my words, here is my short thesis…

The 2020 election year has presented some baffling anomalies, and, yes, Joe Biden is one huge anomaly!

Admittedly, my mind is not the sharpest, but, please, pray tell, how is it that a man who spent not his time on the campaign trail, but, rather, in the basement of his home, who finds it difficult to utter a simple sentence without his wife’s coaching whispers? ‘Come on, Man’, is this some colossal joke being played on the great American Electorate?

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">How is it that a man with forty-seven years in our US government, including eight years as Vice-President to Barack Obama, a man with no notably featured accomplishments in all those many years – unless we include as a feature <em>‘The China/Ukraine, et al’, all of the million dollar deals he made for family benefits?</em> The blunders and gaffs by this public servant are too many to catalog…How is it that a man with forty-seven years in our US government, including eight years as Vice-President to Barack Obama, a man with no notably featured accomplishments in all those many years – unless we include as a feature ‘The China/Ukraine, et al’, all of the million dollar deals he made for family benefits? The blunders and gaffs by this public servant are too many to catalog…

How is it that these two people are about to replace one of the best presidents this country has known -with the best Economy in history, the best US GDP Growth Rate at 33.4%, best Job numbers, a soaring Stock Market, best Minority numbers, best foreign relations and Middle East Alliances …nominated three times for ‘Man of the Year’ award…on and on.

Can pronounced hatred of a president who eschews suave political rhetoric, a rare non-politician politician, be so vile as to allow the leaders of our country of over 360 million-plus people to carry out this miscarriage? Are the ‘Swamp People’ so consumed with loathing, wealth, and their agenda that they would have another ‘Civil War’?

There seems to be no doubt that the voting system is broken… With a country so filled with knowledge, how is it we cannot develop a ‘fail-safe’ voting system? A voting system that cannot be manipulated by dead people  voting, late ballots, lack of monitoring?

Mr. Biden, Ms. Harris, please find work in another government far away. Your Progressive Programs can not find roots on our sacred ground. Our government is run by the people and for the people… We must choose our Constitutional Caretakers carefully, never forgetting that the blood spilled by millions of our freedom-loving youth and patriots is the script for our venerated documents for governing our Republic.

BR Chitwood -November 10, 2020

Bad Day on the Laptop

Bad Day on the Laptop

May I say? In all humility, the digital world truly sucks!

The digital world is like a zany puzzle that doesn’t know what it wants to be, crossword or otherwise. How many frigging minds are destroyed by its wacky configurations? I Hate You, Internet! In all humility!

It is as though those who put all the strange turns and twists to this digital empire smile with elitist glee because THEY KNOW what it’s all about, and everyone outside their ranks will have to pay dearly for their knowledge, like, buying a brand new laptop every year because of its promise to do more than the one you just bought six months ago…you Idiot! Me, Idiot! You, Tarzan, big man!

Yes, it’s a frigging elite club to whom only those who have bizarre technical skills can belong. All others: here, have some scraps of our earlier too mucky bulky, too easy gizmos with which we can no longer torment you; here, you poor saps who put up with the gyrations, constant aggravations, try these new and better applications, add more to your insane cravings; here, you dumb non-nerds, have an elixir WE put together just for you, an ‘SEO Friendly Content Download’ to go with your WORD PROGRAM – you will love it! Oh, AND good luck downloading it with all our (heh, heh!) easy as pie explanations. (Heh, heh!)

May I say, ‘Go to HELL with your satanic torturing of one’s mind and ego. Up yours! I can’t be more hostile because the frigging ‘Space Cadet Internet Cops’ will come and put me out of my misery.

May I say, ‘Up your YING-YANGS, you merciless bunch of societal rejects. May all your stupid circuit boards turn on you and make you the morons you’ve tried to make me! Oh, hell, who am I kidding! the moron you’ve made me!

AND, for those of you who somehow kept your sanity and mastered this damned time-consuming nano-piece of nothing and walk around acting like ‘know-it-alls’ with smiles on your stupid faces, up yours, too!

May I say, I hate you!

AND, will the ‘Internet Ward Nurse’ take this damned straightjacket off me? It’s difficult typing with my proboscis!

Hate You!

Hate You!

Hate You!

Billy Ray Chitwood – November 15, 2018

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Big Book-Marketing Mistakes I’ve Made


Big Marketing Mistakes I’ve Made

After a US Navy tour, college, much traveling, teaching, acting, marketing, sales, always searching for the ‘white buffalo’ – romancing and searching for pieces of me. I’m on an 80-acre spread in SE Arizona called ‘The Lazy Rabbit Ranch’, a second home for a while and a wonderful stretch of desert that charges my imagination. The house sits on a hilltop looking south toward Mexico and the Sierra Madre Mountains. To the east, there are the Chiricahua Mountains. To the West, there are the Dragoon Mountains and the legendary ‘Cochise Stronghold’. To the northeast, there are the Dos Cabezas Mountains.

‘Well, what are you doing there’? you can ask. That’s presuming you might be interested. Of course, you already know I’m going to tell you whether you are interested or not.

‘The Lazy Rabbit Ranch’ was solitude and space, a setting ripe with old west history and lore, cowboys and Indians. Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, Cochise, sat tall in their saddles, had their gun fights, and all gathered to write Chapter One to open the west.

Tombstone, the town too tough to die, home of the infamous ‘OK Corral’ and ‘Boot Hill’, was just a thirty-minute drive from the house, with a stretch of desert that can titillate or eliminate. In short, TLRR was a wonderful spot for would-be writers, poets, novelists, and the artists with their easels and brushes.

It happened that I did fairly well for myself after leaving Appalachia and my hill country ways. After shedding some of my Tennessee mountain charm and going into that bright neon-world of confusion and doubt. Believe me, there was surely enough extended education in that glitter-dome big city living. Not all of that good life was pure and wholesome. I worked a lot and I played a lot, and no extension of verbiage here can get me to an ‘All-American’ salutary status.

I lost most of my Tennessee ‘down-home’ accent, met and dated some very lovely ladies, all of whom I adored. Admittedly, certainly not glowingly, there was a very active hedonistic culture to which I quite easily and shamelessly inured.

But, back to ‘The Lazy Rabbit Ranch’.

Perhaps surprisingly to the reader(s) of this post, I taught at one point an ‘Advanced Writing’ class to high school college-bound seniors and had in the young years myself dabbled in poetry, singing, and writing. At ‘The Lazy Rabbit’ I began to write book one of a six-book series entitled ‘The Bailey Crane Mystery Series’. “An Arizona Tragedy” – Book 1 was inspired by the brutal murder of a personal fellow actress friend of mine in Phoenix, Az. (Incidentally, that homicide is now a ‘cold case’ for the Phoenix, AZ Police Department. If anyone can add anything of value to this ‘cold case’, please contact the Phoenix PD.)

All but one of the remaining ‘Bailey Crane Mysteries’ were inspired by true crime events. I have always had this fascination for the evil that shocks and angers our world, the fodder that makes millions for the movie makers, game makers, and some authors (he writes, enviably!).

During my time at ‘The Lazy Rabbit Ranch’, I was using a ‘Star-Writer’ word processor to peck out my narrative brilliance. (Okay, how many of you did I lose, if there was anyone to lose?) The digital age was advancing fast, and the Wizards of the Web had already figured out how to create technology that would add to their billion-dollar caches every few years by coming out with extra software. These added goodies would provide more speed, more apps, more games, and more frantic competition.

So, except for books 4-6 of ‘The Bailey Crane Mystery Series’, I had three boxes of manuscripts gathering dust on the shelves.

Eventually, Julie and I moved to the ‘Sea of Cortez’ in Mexico. I must admit, we lived in penthouse luxury, the sand and beach just outside our windows. The cobalt Sea of Cortez greeted us each morning, and it was near perpetual sun-shine every day. The SE Arizona desert had been an alluring habitat for writing, but the Sea of Cortez could really get the juices flowing.

So, I finished the ‘Bailey Crane Mystery Series’ books 1-6, plus eight other titles while in Mexico, some non-fiction, mostly fictional forays inspired by true crime events.

Okay, I’m guilty of parsing, or, likely, a better word would be, rambling. My title suggests ‘mistakes made’. And, WOW! Did I make them?

Take a look at my laundry list of amateurish mistakes! To beat it all, I was in Sales and Marketing most of my business life! Look, I know how my next lines might sound, but the impulse is there, so I’m writing them.

My books are good, readable, and should have a wider market than they now have! If I’m wrong and fooling myself, more time will tell. AND, I won’t be ashamed to admit it!

Read Them! If I’m wrong, tell me. If enough of you tell me I’m wrong, I WON’T STOP WRITING! I’ll just spend the next fifteen, twenty years entertaining myself! If the Pre and Post Marketing damage is irreparable, guess I’ll just keep re-reading my own books… There is always the rare chance that my writing is not as good as I think it is! NAW! That can’t be possible, he says HUMBLY!

Take a deep breath and look over my list. BE GENTLE AND KIND WITH YOUR REMARKS! We folks in Twilight need special handling – sort of!

The List:

  • After exhaustive editing and re-writes, I took the six dusty ‘Bailey Crane Mystery’ manuscripts and simultaneously published them on CreateSpace… NO LAUNCH OF ANY KIND! Just started tweeting! CRAZY! I ought to be in a looney bin!
  • I used CreateSpace FREE book ..okay, thanks CS, some are nice but your covers don’t compete with the BIG BOYS AND GIRLS! AND, I’m a SCROOGE, first order!
  • Did I mention? I’m a SCROOGE!
  • NO Beta Readers or pre-reviews! With my “Mama’s Madness” title, without soliciting, I got sixty reviews, most of them 5-Stars. The other books, precious few reviews, mostly 5-STARS.
  • BLOG ABSENCE for years. Now, I’ve written over 350 posts… My mistake: wrote a book and several posts giving my political views. NEVER AGAIN! Also, it’s better to leave religious beliefs at the door, although I’m not ashamed of my faith in God! Seems to me there’s got to be more than ashes in an urn to scatter on a mountaintop, the ocean/sea, or a hole in the cold hard ground.
  • Platforms: This is tedious business, picking and choosing writing platforms, at least for me. I’ve tried some, but unless I’m willing to put out the bucks for P/R and Advertising, I’m guessing I just need to enjoy the process of writing and be done with the marketing and selling sides. Writing is my therapy so it shouldn’t bother me so much if the books are not selling… But, everyone enjoys good reviews and kind support… Perhaps I’ve found that now with #RRBC, #RWISA, #ASMSG, #IAN1.
  • TWILIGHT! As my ‘About Me’ section at states: “I’m a young man in an old man’s body… AND, I’m thinking I’ve got more books to write. I’m midway in writing my fifteenth book and damned well plan to finish it – and others. THE QUESTION: is age a factor for people buying books? For books not selling?
  • ‘SOCIAL MEDIA: I’m spending too much time on social media and NOT WRITING. That has to change but I can’t give up my good followers on my blog, twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, google+, et al. I’m on Goodreads and find it difficult to navigate, e.g., I’ve had new Book Covers for my books for well over a year, have written to GR librarians for help in changing the old CreateSpace covers to the newly designed covers, but get no response. The old covers that appear on the Goodreads dashboard are not appealing at all…another big mistake! I’ve tried on GR changing of covers myself, but, not allowed.

INEPTNESS – MY OWN! I Truly cannot believe how incredibly naïve I was in the beginning of my publishing efforts (likely, still am!). To be sure, there are other items I’m leaving out of this list and I’m reasonably sure it could be much longer.

Although my embarrassment shows ‘big time’ here, perhaps someone beginning her/his publishing efforts will heed these remarks and make sure the chances for success are much better if you don’t rush the process as I did.

In the meantime, to show you really ‘like me’ and ‘care about me’, you could start some viral BUYING of my books. I’m not begging! I’m just saying!

download (1)

Billy Ray Chitwood – HAPPY NEW YEAR! – January 1, 2018

Please PREVIEW my books of Mystery, Suspense, Romance, et al at:

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How Dare the Inconvenience!

Whatever the generation, we must live in it, accept its technological advances, and move on with our lives. Then, the succeeding generations can claim us ‘nuts’ for leaving them with such a mess to clean up.


“How Dare That Inconvenience!”

I’m currently working on a new book and stopped long enough to check in with twitter…Twitter had the audacity to be ‘down.’ Like, down for over an hour — and, still down! How dare that inconvenience!

Serves a point in our lives today, does it not? We live in a digital world in which some folks thrive and know everything there is to know about the internet, while others of us just sort of get along. We are so accustomed now to running our lives with laptops, URL’s, RSS Feeds, Streams, et al. When we share bandwidth with others in our community and someone is streaming movies, kids are active on their game boards, and parents are doing their digital thing, the electronic gadgets can slow down dramatically. Then, we get irritable, yell at the wife, kids, friends, and curse all those who are eating up all our bandwidth.

Time for the generational questions! What have we become? Where are we going in this mad digital world? An old anachronistic simpleton like me gets lost in this world at times and spends a lot of valuable time trying to figure it all out…at least, the time is valuable when one is my age. So we hoot and holler until the electronic gadgetry comes back to a sane and sensible environment for work, like twitter tweeting and facebook messaging and goodreads solicitations and book recommendations, etc. Then, at the end of the day when I turn off my computer, sip on my one and only tequila on the rocks, and look out at the Sea of Cortez, I see the folly of it all…well, I sort of see the folly of it all — with the help of the Sea and tequila sipping.

Whatever the generation, we must live in it, accept its technological advances, and move on with our lives. Then, the succeeding generations can claim us ‘nuts’ for leaving them with such a mess to clean up.

Does any of this sound familiar? Is it all part of a bigger picture? Am I just singing to the choir? Of course, I am, and in pretty good voice, I’d say.

For now, though, how dare that inconvenience!

Billy Ray Chitwood – 9/22/17 and 7/26/12

Please preview my books at my website: 

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